The ingredients for a "smart ADAS/AD meal”

from our webinar series "The Data Sushi Lessons"


3 Main Takeaways

  • Essential building blocks for smart data handling
  • Use of data already during recording
  • How Measurement data can be extracted directly from the ECU?


  • Course type: Video Training
  • Language: English


Data is the central element in advancing autonomous driving. They accompany the development and validation process in various forms (e.g. raw data, metadata) starting with the first bit, still in the sensor itself or from the ADAS control unit. In order to be profitably further processed, reliably high quality and, in particular, temporal synchronization are essential.

Unlike in the past, this further processing already begins in the vehicle - from the source to the data center memory and beyond.

Our "ingredient" is therefore the extraction of data from the ECU software and a flexible path directly into the measurement technology by means of the Measurement Data Service.  


Johannes Zangerle
Technical Business Developer


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